• I Paid A Bribe
  • 14 years ago

Ended up paying a bribe after riding on the wrong side of a one way unintentionally.

Reported on May 27, 2011 from Pune , Maharashtra  ι Report #8454

In Pune there are many roads, and even small lanes that go one way. I was riding on a two-wheeler, through a lane which connects Jangli ********** Road and Fergusson College road. I was in that lane for the first time, and it was relatively less crowded that afternoon. There were no sign boards or any other means of instruction (at least not prominent enough because I never saw one), to tell me that the road went one way. Suddenly, a cop stopped me to inform that I was riding on the wrong side. I was astonished. I tried to explain to him that I was not aware and there was no instruction board on the road either. But he didn't want to understand my point, he just assumed that I was expected to know about it. The fine amount for riding on the wrong side was Rs. 300 (from what I remember). I didn't have the amount at that moment. He said I had to surrender my license to him, and collect it later from the Police Station by paying the fine amount. Or, I could pay Rs.100 to him, 'unofficially', and go home right away. Much as I would have liked to fairly take up the first option, I was new to the city and didn't know the system at all. Also, since I didn't speak Marathi, I knew it would work against me (as in Pune, a lot of times it does). Plus, very conveniently, like a hypocrite, I wanted to avoid the whole hassle of going to the Police Station and paying Rs.200 extra (being a student, 200 bucks hurts), esp. since I believed it wasn't only my fault. So, I chose the easy way out and paid him a bribe of Rs.100, and didn't take any receipt. But now, when I think of it, going to the police station and collecting my license by paying the fine and taking the receipt would have been the right thing to do. Further, if the authorities make sure that there are clear signs indicating that a road goes one way (esp. small lanes where there are few vehicles), it makes things easier. People in the police should not get an opportunity to exploit people like that and fill their own pockets.

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