• I Paid A Bribe
  • 14 years ago

Had to pay to get my vehicle

Reported on March 24, 2011 from Pune , Maharashtra  ι Report #25513

Hi, We had gone to get some necessary things for our child to Bonsai, Aundh and there we parked our 4 wheeler before adjacent shop. While doing so, we failed to notice the note put out that this is not a parking space.. We were in a hurry as we had to return back in 40 mins to take our baba to doctor (he was sick and we had an appointment). When we returned, our car wheels were locked. We saw the police van there itself. And we went to check. We got to know that we had done wrong and we apologised and explained our situation asking how much fine do we pay. We got an answer to go to police station and then pay. We said we were short of time but they were not ready to give the receipt for fine there and open our vehicle. In the end, we had to shell out 500 Rs to get our vehicle freed... No receipts. IT WAS PURE BRIBE. Alongwith our vehicle, there were many more and I am sure almost all must have paid money....

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