• I Paid A Bribe
  • 8 years ago

I paid bribe for not having NOC

Reported on February 23, 2016 from Pune , Maharashtra  ι Report #93644

Date: 23/02/2016
Time: 12:00 PM
Location: Bremen Circle, Aundh Area, Pune
Name and Designation of Officer: Dont know

My situation is one of the most classic cases of the anarchic RTO rules of the country. I purchased a vehicle in Hyderabad. I was transferred to Delhi so applied and got NOC for Delhi. But before I moved, my transfer place changed to Pune. Hence NOC needs to be cancelled for issue of NOC to Pune. Now to cancel NOC one needs 'NOC not issue' letter from Delhi RTO. Delhi RTO refused to issue any letter as such. So NOC to Pune cannot be made. Stuck situation with no way out.

So today driving my car to office when stopped by the police officer and asked NOC. I didn't have NOC for Pune so he said a hefty fine needs to be paid. As I was in hurry so it didn't strike me to ask them to show me the fine amount for not having NOC in writing. Paid Rs 1000 as bribe to the officer and he told me to get road tax for 1 year. After seeing the list of Documents for Road Tax came to know I don't have the purchase receipt invoice with me. So cant pay road tax for 1 yr. Hence every time police will catch me I will have no option to bribe them out. And I am sure in today's world with people moving so much my case is not unique.

I tried to find out the exact amount of fine for not having an NOC and to my surprise it is actually not written anywhere in the list of driving offenses. So next time that happens I will definitely ask them to show the fine amount in writing. Probably that would help. Till then its a hopeless situation. I really don't understand why one needs an 'NOC not issue' letter to cancel the NOC when the original NOC document is with you. Also why the RTO rules of the country are not changed and make flexible so that re-registration of vehicles can be made easier across states.

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