• I Paid A Bribe
  • 13 years ago

I was forced to pay bribe after they said it will take 10 days

Reported on August 19, 2011 from Ahmedabad , Gujarat  ι Report #4672

I was to leave for my foreign tour in 3 days. The procedure for international license takes one or maximum two days. When I went without contacting any of those 100s of agents lurking around in R.T.O., the officer took my papers and asked me to come after 10 days. I had to leave in 3 days and I asked him why it will take so long. The answer was, you are not the only one here. We have lots of work. I stood there thinking what to do, I needed that license. While I was standing there, the person next to me in the line gave the officers his papers and the officer said take it in the evening. I was stunned. I went outside and complained to the policeman standing there with official medical check-up personal. The policeman laughed at me saying don't talk like a fool. People who were going with the agents also laughed at me. I was embarrassed. I had no option and I paid 1050 bribe + 500 fees as 200 each bribe for each of the 3 RTO officers and 150 for the person who was doing medical check up. Remaining to the agent. I got my license the same day. I was frustrated and I wrote a complain in the complain box with my name and address but till today, I have not received any replies. RTO and passport agencies are biggest bribe hubs. People get their license without even having to give the required driving test. It is horrible.

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