• I Paid A Bribe
  • 14 years ago

Insurance details- not shown

Reported on March 5, 2011 from Mumbai , Maharashtra  ι Report #27869

I , was going to college on the way there was no checking post but two constables stopped me and asked for all details. At that time i did not have my bike insurance details but i was having all other details including RCTC book, PUC and licence but he demanded to show me insurance details told me do u know how much fine to not carrying insurance and forced me to give fine (2000 Rs) otherwise i will take legal action against u and he left with my licence & he tried to scared me and he came back and told me to give Rs 300 i thought on that i was in hurry but a did not want to go against legal action so for avoiding this i gave him Rs 250 and left ............................

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