• I Paid A Bribe
  • 8 years ago

Money Given 200 But Receipt Given for 100

Reported on October 28, 2016 from Chennai , Tamil Nadu  ι Report #131490

I was Driving In OMR Road Chennai on 24th Oct 2016 at Around 3.45 pm in the Afternoon. I Violated the Traffic Signal by Mistake and Was Caught by the Police. He told me a Fine of 200/- and i Paid him the Amount but When asked for Receipt he started Saying that "I Will File a Case Against You" . Then i Asked him as "I Paid the Fine So i Should Get the Receipt for the Same". After Reluctance he Gave me the Receipt and i Moved on from the Place. After Reaching a Restaurant i Found out that the Receipt Given was of 100/- and that Means the other 100/- Goes to his Pocket.
Is the Justice ??? Is this Correct ???

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