• I Paid A Bribe
  • 13 years ago

My First Bribe

Reported on October 21, 2011 from Kolkata , West Bengal  ι Report #3687

I'm a 19 year old boy studying in an engineering college. Today I went to the Shibpur Police Station to submit some documents for issuing my passport. After seeing all my documents,the official asked me to come outside for a moment.He told me that everything was in order.But he would have to again go on an enquiry else I gave him 'something'.I immediately understood what he was trying to say.Having no choice i gave him a 100 rupee note.Upon seeing he told me that it was not enough.I had to give him another 100 rupees.
Has the country come to this state that nothing legal & legitimate can be done without passing an envelope under the table?

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