• I Paid A Bribe
  • 13 years ago

Open bribe in registrar office for marriage registration

Reported on March 11, 2012 from Visakhapatnam , Andhra Pradesh  ι Report #2512

We went for obtaining a marriage registration certificate with all the documents filled and were surprised at the open bribery that's taking place in the registrar office. "Brokers" are roaming around inside the office and carry the documents to the officials pretending it to be a complicated task. At the end of document submission, i was asked an amount of 750Rs in the name of "Formalities". I hesitated to give the amount that day and asked for a "Reason" of why i should pay when i have all the documents. Next day when i went in for obtaining the certificate, i realized that my application wasn't processed at all with the officer claiming that i haven't completed the "formalities". I had to pay ~550 Rs at the end as i needed the certificate by next day before i travel out of the **********.

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