• I Paid A Bribe
  • 14 years ago

Paid 4500 rupees (100$) to enter India

Reported on March 6, 2011 from Mumbai , Maharashtra  ι Report #27698

It was a rather disappointing incident. I was way too naive then. First time was coming home to ********** my family after a year from states. I was a student then. Money was really tight. Somehow I had saved to come back. Anyways, I enter the airport. I had some stuff for my family and was way within 25000 rupees limit for customs. I had receipts for all the stuff I had amounting to 400 dollars including a pair of small speakers (20$). I was stopped for that item in particular. I had 150$ on me. I honestly told the officer that I needed money for cab to go to Nasik (my hometown). He calculated and told me that I'd need 50$ to get back. I quote " So pay up Mr or leave all your luggage behind"
I payed up to the havaldar. He took to a secluded room where other people were bribing other havaldars. It didnt end there, on my way out people harassed me for more. I gave up and just left my luggage lying there. I told them " take it all; I dont need it". They let me out then. Like I said I was naive, way too naive.

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