• I Paid A Bribe
  • 12 years ago

Paid a bribe of 110 rs to get a seat in an almost empty train

Reported on July 29, 2012 from Ahmedabad , Gujarat  ι Report #1179

I took a superfast general ticket of 120 Rs.(approx) and then I got onto the Jodhpur bandara train at Borivalli.
As the train approached halted at the station, I went to a TT asking for a seat, He wrote the seat no. on the back of my general ticket. This was the case for several others.

During checking he came and made a receipt (fine) of Rs 110 and gave me a seat in a train where there wasn't any rush, ( i did not expect the train to be empty). He asked me 210 and I paid that like the rest of the passengers in the train.
It is so much understood that Rs 100 is the bribe he would charge for a sleeper ticket.
This is a regular and the most and obvious place for corruption is during railway ticket checking.
But it happpens so openly that no one really cares now.

What is your reaction after reading this report?