• I Paid A Bribe
  • 14 years ago

Passport verification - Harassment

Reported on March 4, 2011 from Mumbai , Maharashtra  ι Report #27922

Respected Sir / Madam,

I have applied for the renewal of my wife's passport at Passport Application Collection Center at Police Commissioner Office at Crawford Market, Mumbai-400001.

Application moved swiftly to Byculla Police Station for police verifications. A police constable from Byculla Police Station visited my residence and checked the originals of 17 documents I have attached as age, residence and identification proof. Police Constable also visited two of my neighbors and took their signatures and identification proofs.

Police Constable then asked us to visit Byculla Police Station and ********** police inspector. We visited and again 17 original documents checked and verified to the utmost satisfaction of Police Inspector.

After waiting for more than month we received a letter from Passport Office to ********** Passport Officer with all the documents copies triplicate alongwith fresh duly filled form. Upon enquiry we found that Police Inspector have sent a FALSE REPORT to Passport Office recommending "NOT to issue passport to the applicant due to insufficient residence and birth proofs".

We were shocked and shaken. Due to this unjust and false report by the Police Inspector, passport was held and my family was not able to join me abroad.

One month after re-submission of Passport application alongwith documents in triplicate, same Police Constable from Byculla Police Station visited my residence and all the actions as mentioned above was repeated. Then we visited Byculla Police Station again and same Police Inspector checked same all 17 documents in original and verified without any objection at any point.

Then we received a letter asking us to visit CID Office at Crawford Market. We were shocked to find that duty Police Officer at CID Office was asking for the documents not required by any rules of Passport. Like death certificate of my wife's father who expired more than 30 years back when wife was just 2 years old.

We gave up and realised its all happening just because we have NOT bribe in the first place. We gave the officer Rs. 500 and he was happy and confirmed to us we have more than sufficient documents required for passport.

On 04Jan11 we received a phone call from Byculla Police Station asking to visit Police Station with specific Affidavit duly signed by magistrate. We did that immediately on 05Jan11.

After long and dead wait, I wrote to Police Commissioner of Mumbai about the unjust activities of Policemen involved in passport verification duty. Never got any reply or acknowledgement from Police Commissioner.

Today is 04Mar11, we are still waiting for passport. Is it fair!

What is your reaction after reading this report?