• I Paid A Bribe
  • 14 years ago

Please take serious action against them

Reported on March 9, 2011 from Mumbai , Maharashtra  ι Report #27032

I m NRI When i arrived on mumbai airport for a vist last year i was carring LED TV for my friend.I had no laggauge only the TV. but the custom guy stopped me and asked me various pesonal questions , like where u work? where u stay, more surprisingly he asked me to show my mobile phone too. i knew his intensions as even i m mumbaikar.I said im ready to pay the duty. but he refused to take and asked me 5000RS. we went in to argument for long time but he didnt wanted me to pay duty. Finally he asked 2 hawaldars to take me aside. Since even i m marathi by birth this hawaldars didnt said anything to me only took me asked and stood. Long time i was watching the custom officer. His uniform was untidy ,Though he was on duty he was in chappals and not duty books or detaintion receipts or anything with him as if he is was waiting to hunt pepole. I was really frustrated seeing his attiude for his work, A poor labour type passanger he took aside and ask to open his luggauge , he was carrying some choclates and dry fruits for his family which was hardly 1 kg. and this officer fooled him and told him that d duty has to be paid for this item. poor guy pat him 1000rs. This excuses he gave to may labour type passangers n took the money. I really felt like slapping the officer for lootiong the people. but sad i cant do that. Finally i agin went to this officer again told him to check whatever duty applicable and collect n clear me. but he refused and asked me to pay 4000 rs atleast. Finally the 2 marathi hawaldars also joined our arguments. I realised there is no escape from this sitiation as i had already wasted 3 hrs. and so i agreed to pay him 3000rs. The hawaldars took me to toilet and i paid 3000rs. I was really ashamed to see india in this condition.

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