• I Paid A Bribe
  • 13 years ago

Property Agents & Registry office staff : Hand & Gloves

Reported on June 15, 2011 from Noida , Uttar Pradesh  ι Report #7946

Recently Noida authority had announced rule for getting all society flats registered by individuals with a cutoff date. Around 3000 Flat owners were asked to get their flats registered. I was also one of them. I tried to get the desired registry done on my own but all my efforts were gone in vain since each time my application was rejected by giving one or the other reasons. Since the cut off date was approaching near I was worried since I was not in a position to pay the penalty being a retired person.

Meanwhile a property dealer approached me and suggested that if I want to get the job done within the stipulated time frame he is ready to facilitate the process since he has some Good Connections within the authority but I have to pay little bit extra for expediting the work. Seeing no other resort finally I had to pay the asked “service Charges” and was surprised to see that the same officials cleared my same papers in no time which were earlier rejected. Finally I got the work done but I kept on wondering that how come the property dealer got my reference and details? The answer was simply indicating towards the Hand & Glove association between the two.

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