• I Paid A Bribe
  • 11 years ago

My brother works as a teacher in High school at Ahmedabad. DEO,…

Reported on November 9, 2013 from Ahmedabad , Gujarat  ι Report #36488

My brother works as a teacher in High school at Ahmedabad. DEO, Ahmedabad-Rural permitted school to close the 8th 9th and 10th classes sudeenly. 18 teachers declared surplus. In gujkarat there is govt guidelines to arrange camp for posting of such surplus teachers. DEO has for years not arranged any camp and post all the teachers taking Rs. 2 lacs as a bribe which is shared by both the schools and DEO. Despite my brother being the senior most among the 18 surplus teachers, as we didn't bribe DEO, He is posted O/S Ahmedabad and all others are in and around Ahmedabad. CEC's guidelines not to transfer BLO designated staff without prior permission from Collector is also ignored. All our representation and RTI are unreplied. We have in all written 10 letters . My brothers name is K P Tjhadoda and his school was Zed School, Memnagar, Ahmedabad. If you can help at your level to take up the matter not for justice to us but to get the culprits punished. If needed, we will send all the required papers to you. But, one thing is sure coeeupt buggers have coterie and they unite for corruption which is our experience so far in the episode.

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