• I Paid A Bribe
  • 14 years ago

Traffi Police are really very poor

Reported on June 6, 2011 from Pune , Maharashtra  ι Report #7848

This incident happened long back when we were in college. We were passing from Lakdi bridge which is only for 4 wheelers during day and we were on 2 wheeler, so police caught us and took us aside. He explained the reason and chalan money required to pay. Also asked if do not want to pay so much this can be settled in 200. We had 400 in shirt pocket and had minimal in wallet. We showed him the money we had in wallet and requested to accept what we had as we were students. After much negotiations he agreed and asked to empty everything in wallet we had, we obeyed and gave him Rs. 21.50. He asked us to handover the money to his assistance in civil dress.

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