• I Paid A Bribe
  • 14 years ago

Wrong traffic signal

Reported on November 13, 2010 from Mumbai , Maharashtra  ι Report #29989

I was driving back home from work and came to a place where there is a free left turn. I had driven that route for thousands of times earlier. I had also seen the blinking yellow light before turning.

That day, when I took the left turn, I was stopped by a cop. He told me that I should have waited for the light before turning. I was so sure that I argued with him. I told him I will prove that the light was blinking yellow.

Together we walked to the light. Then, I was dumb-founded when I saw that the light after blinking for a few seconds would suddenly go off. I was told that I might have seen the blinking yellow from a distance but when I came near the light, it might have turned off - meaning that turn not alllowed.

I argued saying that if that was the case, it should have been red light. My arguement went into deaf ears. I had no option but to accept his version (although illogical) and pay an amount of Rs. 100/- to get my licence back. This was because we all know that in the court, the version of the cop is always accepted and the version of the car driver is rejected.

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