Comment Pieces

Memoirs of the corrupt registration department

Posted on July 12, 2013

 "I asked him, why was I charged extra if the receipts amounted to a total of Rs.230. Then he said, if I did not want to shell out extra, I should come and collect the documents two days later. I agreed and he refunded me Rs.220... I would be going on 29th at 3.30 pm to collect my documents. I searched the net to find out the time taken for getting the EC as per govt records. Unfortunately I could not get it."

If you walk into a stamps and registration office with the hope of registering your property or marriage without any hassles, then you are either too oblivious to what goes on in these offices or too naïve to think you may not have to face any trouble. After all, milking citizens is a more important task than the one delegated to these government employees who are responsible for registering marriages and property deals.

These touts demand two to five times the government stipulated amount, whether it is to get an official document franked, or to issue a gift deed. Also, you must keep perverse amounts of money ready even if you have to procure simple a seal and signature on the family tree document.

If you are as assertive as this gentleman from Uttarakhand who fought tooth and nail to get his marriage registered without a bribe, you may not have to give in to the corrupt sub registrars demand.

What would you prefer- succumbing to the tenacious demands of the corrupt sub registrars and their touts or to stand on one foot, refusing to give in?