Additions / alterations to your house can be carried out provided that you do not attract conditions stipulated in section 320 of THE KARNATAKA MUNICIPAL CORPORATIONS ACT, 1976.
Application of provisions to alterations and additions-
(1) The provisions of this Chapter and of any rules or bye-laws made under this Act relating to construction and re-construction of the buildings or huts shall also be applicable to any alteration thereof or addition thereto: Provided that works of necessary repair which do not affect the position or dimensions of a building or hut or any room in a building therein shall not be deemed an alteration or addition for the purpose of this section.
(2) If any question arises as to whether any addition or alteration is a necessary repair not affecting the position or dimensions of a building or hut or room in a building therein, such question shall be referred to the standing committee, whose decision shall be final.