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10,000 Saudi women get mobile phone repairing training

Posted on February 06, 2017 from Saudi arabia ι Report #99548

Riyadh, Feb 6 (IANS) More than 10,000 Saudi women have received mobile phone repairing training to improve the employment chances of females, the…Read more

Saudi Arabia bans training on Reiki therapy

Posted on January 31, 2017 from Saudi arabia ι Report #97773

Riyadh, Jan 31 (IANS) Saudi Arabia has banned training institutions from offering courses on Reiki therapy, the media reported on Tuesday.

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Kuwait executes 7 prisoners including a royal

Posted on January 26, 2017 from Saudi arabia ι Report #96232

Riyadh, Jan 25 (IANS) Kuwait executed seven prisoners on Wednesday, including a prince of the royal family and five foreigners, media reports said.…Read more

69 Pakistanis in detention of Saudi Arabia for terrorism

Posted on January 24, 2017 from Saudi arabia ι Report #95520

Riyadh, Jan 23 (IANS) At least 69 Pakistani are being held in Saudi Arabia for their alleged involvement in terror-related offences, local media reported…Read more

Two killed as Saudi police raid terrorist hideouts in Jeddah

Posted on January 22, 2017 from Saudi arabia ι Report #95102

Riyadh, Jan 21 (IANS) Saudi police raided two hideouts of terrorists in Jeddah, in which two extremists died, the Saudi Interior Ministry tweeted…Read more

Saudi tightens security for Haj

Posted on January 18, 2017 from Saudi arabia ι Report #93940

Riyadh, Jan 18 (IANS) Saudi Arabia will cooperate with the opposition in Syria to prevent the entry of militants as pilgrims during upcoming Haj,…Read more

Anti-IS coalition meets in Saudi Arabia

Posted on January 17, 2017 from Saudi arabia ι Report #93625

Riyadh, Jan 17 (IANS) A global coalition against the Islamic State militant group met here in Saudi Arabia to lay stress on defeating the terrorists.…Read more

2 human rights activists arrested in Saudi Arabia

Posted on January 10, 2017 from Saudi arabia ι Report #91700

Riyadh, Jan 10 (IANS) Saudi Arabian authorities have arrested two human rights activists without presenting any charges, a rights group said on Tuesday.…Read more

Not been invited to Astana talks, says Syrian opposition

Posted on December 28, 2016 from Saudi arabia ι Report #88313

Riyadh, Dec 28 (IANS) The High Negotiations Committee (HNC), a coalition of Syrian opposition groups, said that they have not been invited to the…Read more

Saudi denies plans to impose taxes on citizens

Posted on December 23, 2016 from Saudi arabia ι Report #87178

Riyadh, Dec 22 (IANS) Saudi Finance Minister Mohammed Al Jadaan on Thursday denied any plan to impose taxes on citizens, residents or local firms,…Read more