• मैंने रिश्वत दी
  • 13 years ago
  • 898 दर्शनों की संख्या

For the admission into college

Reported on March 11, 2011 from Hyderabad , Telangana  ι Report #26830

I wanted to join ********** ********** Institute of Technology,Moinabad so,i approached them for the management quota..they asked me to pay 5lakh rupees for the seat..it was a spot payment so i accepted for it..but the management gave receipt only for 4lakh rupees..when asked they told that they wont give receipt for the other 1lakh rupees..they have written only 4lakh rupees in the admission form also,as the package...the other 1lakh rupees had gone into their pocket as black money..!!

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