• मैंने रिश्वत दी
  • 14 years ago
  • 528 दर्शनों की संख्या

All for an appointment !!

Reported on March 4, 2011 from Mumbai , Maharashtra  ι Report #28006

While travelling from my house to the Southern most tip of Mumbai, battling the traffic, well aware of the notoriety of the traffic police, I still took two minutes to fasten my seat belt, check my documents and start for my destination.My life is a living example of the Murphy's law instances, and on just the day when i had to reach on time, a traffic police caught me on the way. I literally threw all the documents at him, hoping he would let me go. However he did not seem pleased that i was carrying photocopies of my insurance papers rather than the original. My attempt to explain and reach on time with a full wallet were exhausted when he murmured a little something in my ear. Caught in the dilemma of not paying a bribe and reaching on time, i chose the latter, and slipped two hundred rupees to him. Happy, he shook hands with me, and even cleared a little traffic in front of me.... and i still did not reach in time... I lost both....my integrity and my appointment ! :(

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