- मैंने रिश्वत दी
- 10 years ago
- 2400 दर्शनों की संख्या
I forced to go through the Agent for Veichal registration
- Transport
- Registration of Vehicle
- Paid INR 700
RTO Office - Shrirampur
Date Of Incident- 8th May 15
Designation of Officer- All are involved in the process.
I had gaon to RTO Office for my new vehicle registration, first i tried with self but couldn't get the signature of officer in one day, hence had to pay to agent to do the registration.
All system are corrupt and all are involve in the process.
Process is not clear to what to do?where to go? it should take only 3 to 4 hours to complete the registration but could not get the single signature by end of the day.
The lady inspector had done the vehicle inspection, after 3 hours lady inspector told me i am not authorized to sign. Officer will come and then he will sign the form. Authorized officer did not reached till end of the day. Hence i was forced to hand over the document to agent for further processing.
I paid 700 Rs for Agent.
@Santosh Date