• मैंने रिश्वत दी
  • 13 years ago
  • 2121 दर्शनों की संख्या

Police corruption during motor vehicle checking

Reported on August 19, 2011 from Meerut , Uttar Pradesh  ι Report #4592

I'm a 24 years male. One way i was in Delhi for my training period and few days ago i bought my new bike from Meerut. One day i forgot my way to safdarjang area and a policeman stopped me and asking me for the bike's R.C., D.L.,Insurance and pollution document. I'v shown everything except pollution docs and said, i'm not having pollution docs. Directly he asked me to give Rs. 100. Beacause of i was in hurry i had to give it to him. after giving him Rs. 100, he said himself for the first 3 months of bike does not need any pollution certificate then i asked him to give me back Rs. 100. He denied and said this is for sweets for your newly bike.

This happened 4 years ago and this is not only once, it happened so many times at so many spots. I've have a request to ********** that i know corruption cannot be stopped fully but stil it should be reduced til 60-70%. beside corruption we have another major issue of "POPULATION EXPLOSION" and we should make people aware about that specially rural based people because it directly means less people, less problems, less corruption n etc.
Thank you

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