Dr. Malati Das

Former IAS Officer & Chief Secretary
Planning & Statistics

Dr Malati Das has worked as an IAS officer in the state of Karnataka. She retired as Chief Secretary. As Additional Chief Secretary, Planning and Statistics, she developed the conceptual framework, and managed the preparation of the Karnataka Human Development Report 2005. As Secretary, Women and Child Development, she developed a gender action plan for the state known as the Karnataka Women's Development Plan. Dr. Das has worked with the World Bank as a consultant in Ethiopia, Visiting Professor at the National Institute of Advanced Studies (NIAS) Bangalore, and currently she is an advisor with Janaagraha

Dr. S.T. Ramesh

Former DG & IG, Karnataka

Dr S.T. Ramesh worked as an IPS officer in the state of Karnataka. He retired as the DGP of Karnataka in 2011. He was the Central Intelligence Office, Intelligence Bureau, Bangalore, Deputy IG CID, & IG Police Computer Wing & State Crime Record Bureau, where he digitized the crime record of Karnataka. He represented India for various overseas programs related to police & security, including the Atlanta Olympics, 1996. He has also received various accolades viz. the President's Police Medal for Meritorious Service – Independence Day 1995, President's Police Medal for Distinguished Service – Independence Day 2007
  • 7 years ago

Hi i'm really expecting you guys here in mexico city. I been working with HR for about 6 years. I really want to help this project thrive in Mexico because i think i suits exactly the problems of corruption and transparency here. If you know someone who I can contact to become a volunteer please let me know. Best regards

Reported on  March 10, 2017 from Miguel angel maldonado

Please check our Website IPAIDABRIBE and the link: - with your country details and we will take the dialogue forward


  • 8 years ago

Hello Sir/Madam, Aadhar is being advertised as a magic wand to clean the loopholes in the current social schemes. However, the process of getting Aadhar itself is corrupt. From my personal experience I had to bribe Rs.100 to have details added to national database. Aadhar was advertised as a 'free' social identity card. What is the actual fee for getting Aadhar and why are people being misled.

Reported on  February 3, 2017 from Balaji Pasupathy

According to present UIDAI declaration, link- clearly mentions that there is no fee associated with any stage of the Aadhar Registration process . Recently the UIDAI has started taking action against Aadhar centres that ask for money. In case of encountering such an event, one cna report to us, and we can submit the Grievance to the the UIDAI, for further action.

Recent success story of a techie who put in a complaint on our site:-

  • 8 years ago

Hi, I would like to take activities to my country- Ukraine. Could you please tell me who to speak with about this?

Reported on  January 27, 2017 from Dmytro Ogorodniychuk

Please mail us to

  • 8 years ago

Hi,I am looking to file a complaint against an official in the Home Department of Uttar Pradesh. Could you guide me as to under which area of government does it fall?Thanks.

Reported on  January 24, 2017 from Akhil Saxena

The jurisdiction of Home department can vary slightly from state to state. Generally, the police, prison, Fire services, home guards and Sainik welfare are the departments which fall under the purview of Home department. Department of prosecution is put under Home in some states.  

  • 8 years ago

I'm from Himachal Pradesh, recently Himachal was awarded Rs650 Crores under Pradhan Mantri Gram Sadak Yojna. In a certain district of Himachal Pradesh there is a nexus between a leading contractor and HPPWD hence alomst 6-10 contracts were unfairly awarded through pooling process and malpractices. This has caused exchequer a loss of more than 15cr (Because of the rates at which contracts are awarded). I have all the facts and figure handy and intact but I don't know whom to approach.

Reported on  January 17, 2017 from Umesh Sharma

You may like to submit a complaint along with documentary and electronic evidence if any to the following authorities:

1) PMGSY- Grievance redressal :

2) The State Vigilance and Anti-Corruption Bureau website:

The officer to approach is:

Shri SB Negi,

Addl. Director General,

State Vigilance and Anti Corruption Bureau,

6th Floor, Police Complex Khalini, Shimla-171002,

Himachal Pradesh.

Phone: 0177-2623048

Email : adg-acb-hp@


3) The CBI office in  Shimla , situated in the  Railway Board Building, The Mall, Shimla-171003 (Himachal Pradesh) Ph: 0177-2654110

  • 8 years ago

I am carrying out some research into corruption in India at the University of Birmingham, UK. My work would really benefit from data on volume of IPAB bribe reports over time, is there any way I can get access to this time series data? Thanks

Reported on  January 11, 2017 from Lucy Heslop

Please write to us at with a Cover Letter, we will provide the information as required


  • 8 years ago

If principal of a Industrial Training Institute in state of Bihar, asks bribe from new recruit, whom should i report ?

Reported on  December 29, 2016 from Uday kumar verma

Please approach the following officers for redress:


Sanjay Kumar Singh, IAS, Director, Employment & Training, Patna, Bihar (address).

Tel: (0612)-2535142. E-Mail:


Honorable Justice Mihir Kumar Jha

4, Kautilya Marg, Bailey Road, Patna-800001, Bihar
Ph : 0216-2215236,   Fax : 0612-2204844,   E-mail :

  • 8 years ago

Respected Sir, I had applied to YEIDA(Yamuna Expressway Industrial Development Authority.) residential plot scheme RPS 03/2016, a year before. My Form Serial No: i5-600036. Now they are not refunding my Earnest money. They are playing around, Bank officer say contact YEIDA, and YEIDA officer say contact Bank. I shall be obliged to you sir for helping me out in getting my money back. With Best Regards Mohammed Minhajuddin 00966509734217

Reported on  December 22, 2016 from Mohammed Minhajuddin

  YEIDA has an online grievance page, where you can report your grievance:

 YEIDA is under several departments, and the concerned officials can be contacted at :-

You can also submit a complaint to the Lokayukta, Uttar Pradesh,Justice Sanjay Mishra, email : or contact the Lokayukta at the following address:

Lok Ayukta, Uttar Pradesh, TC-46/V-1, Vibhuti Khand, Gomti Nagar, Lucknow. Phone : 0522-2305086, 0522-2306160 FAX : 0522-2306647e-mail:    


  • 8 years ago

Dear Sir,i bike was got tow & taken chouwki , i have bike license,papers, insurance, but cant find find PUC . officer told me to pay rs.500 fine (300 for towing ,200 for not to produce doc at time tow ) if i dont have my PUC then what should i do

Reported on  December 9, 2016 from Pravin murari bhabal

The charges as prescribed by MOTOR VEHICLES ACT as per SEC 15(2),R/W SEC177 for Wrong Parking + Towing charges(2Wheeler) is 750, so if he took 500 ; he is justified.

  • 8 years ago

A corrupt police officer has implicated me and my father in a serious case . Even , I was not present at the place of incident . ( I have sufficient proof to show my alibi ). He also managed local doctor and took a false firearm injury report from him . The informant actually suffered no such injury. I am preparing for UPSC . My career and future is at stake . My father is a 60 yrs old man . He was behind the bars without any guilt . What should we do ?

Reported on  December 7, 2016 from Raj Prashar

Your question does not have details. Depending on where this incident has occurred , please meet a very senior police officer under whom the case comes directly and in whom you have confidence  and give a detailed representation. In the alternative you may also approach a senior officer from the vigilance/ anti corruption agency/Lok Ayukta and provide a representation. You also have the choice to try both the options simultaneously in order to be sure that at least one of the agencies acts on your complaint.