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Saudi Arabia supports US-led airstrikes on Syria

Posted on April 14, 2018 from Saudi arabia ι Report #191095

Riyadh, April 14 (IANS) Saudi Arabia on Saturday extended support to the coordinated missile strikes by the US, Britain and France on military targets in Syria.

The official Saudi Press Agency (SPA) cited a source in the Saudi Foreign Ministry as saying that "the Ministry expressed Saudi Arabia's full support to the US, Britain and France's military operations on military targets in Syria".

An official from the Ministry highlighted that the operations were a response to the use of banned chemical weapons by the Syrian regime against innocent civilians and its years of "horrible crimes", the agency report said.

The official held the Syrian government responsible for such military attack and the international community for not taking serious steps against the regime.

The US, Britain and France launched coordinated strikes against Syria's research, storage and military targets to "punish" the Bashar al-Assad regime for an apparent chemical attack in Douma last week that killed over 70 people. The military action was denounced by Damascus and its ally Moscow as a "failure" and "an act of aggression".

Western allies warned Syria on Saturday that they could launch further attacks if chemical weapons were used again.

