• साहसी नागरिक
  • 13 years ago
  • 2668 दर्शनों की संख्या

Patience Paid Off

Reported on April 6, 2011 from Kollam , Kerala  ι Report #32184

This incident happened while I was cancelling the bank hypothication (Need to be stamped by RTO) after loan repayment is over. I contacted RT Office with all required documents (As per my understanding). On my first attempt submitting requisite documents along with application, I requested the clerk to verify if I need to attach any more document. Lady clerk adviced me to add pollution clearance certificate. I returned back in an hours time with the certificate. Again she checked and asked me to change the size of the return cover.This time I made clear (pretty sternly), asking her to list out all that she want in one go. She Said that is the only issue pending.

Thereafter I waited for almost 1 month before I visited the office once again with application number. This time the lady started making some lame excuses for not taking up my application. I insisted on asking for the actual reason to which I was advice to ********** Asst. RTO. The gentleman started asking me about availability of all requisite document. All this was happening while he didn't look on my face even once.

Next question he asked felt idiotic. "Then why was that not despatched so far?". I had to say him sternly - "Is that a question to me and do u expect me to know the answer" and made it clear to him that I Am not worried for the delay and can even wait for another few months or year to until you could find "why my RC book is not despatched".

This made him to look at my face asked me to ********** th clerk once again.

This time the clerk greeted me with pleasing face and told the application will be despatched soon.

And I got my papers back in weeks time.

So the words "can wait for any amount of time delay" is not so good hearing for babus.

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