• हॉटलाइन
  • 14 years ago
  • 2394 दर्शनों की संख्या

Dear sir, I have received one email from my friend as bellow. I want to know the Truth about the same. i think this will also helpful to other peoples. Thank you. ********** Chitapure. **********.yc@gmail.c

Reported on September 24, 2010 from Bangalore , Karnataka  ι Report #34022

This is probably a fraud mail, because Mr. Praveen Sood is not the Additional Commissioner for Traffic in Mumbai! But anyway, here is the correct position.</p>
Section 31 of the Motor Vehicles Act says that aperson driving a vehicle shall always carry with him his driving license, certificate of registration, certificates of taxation and certificate of insurance of the vehicle and in case of transport vehicle the permit and fitness certificate, also.<br />
He/she shall on demand by police officer in uniform or an officer of the Motor Vehicles Department in uniform or any other officer authorised by the Government, produce the documents for inspection.</p>
Being asked by a police officer does not imply only when a rule is broken. Some times for the sake of security or to check under-aged driving, a police officer may ask you to produce documents and under the law, you are bound to do so. If your documents are complete and in order, it should not be a problem.</p>
But, often police officers stop citizens unnecessarily in order to get some quick money by the way of bribes. This is illegal and arbitrary. In such a case firmly say you will not pay a bribe, show your papers are in order and that you did not break a rule. In case you do break a rule, pay only the prescribed fine and demand a receipt for the same. It would also be useful to keep a copy of the motor vehicles act with you. Section 31 of the Motor Vehicles Act says that aperson driving a vehicle shall always carry with him his driving license, certificate of registration, certificates of taxation and certificate of insurance of the vehicle and in case of transport vehicle the permit and fitness certificate, also. He/she shall on demand by police officer in uniform or an officer of the Motor Vehicles Department in uniform or any other officer authorised by the Government, produce the documents for inspection.</p>
Sometimes, just showing a policeman that you know the law is enough to scare bribe seekers away, because corrupt people often prey on the ignorant and meek.</p>

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