• हॉटलाइन
  • 11 years ago
  • 1037 दर्शनों की संख्या

Hello this is khaja mohidin shaik.. my date of birth is 10-05-1992…

Reported on April 7, 2014 from Mumbai , Maharashtra  ι Report #40429

Hello this is khaja mohidin shaik..
my date of birth is 10-05-1992
born in mumbai..now i am living in andhra pradesh-vijayawada city..
at the time of registration,my name,father name,mother name were registered wrong..due to their are illiterate..
now i am going to apply for pass port ..it is mandatory of dob,but in that certificate names does not match with my 10th class certificate.
the passport service person's said that correct the names in certificate.
now i want to know the procedure that i can follow accordingly..
then only i can get passport for me..
please ensure me correction procedure for the above correction in certificate..
because it is very hard to travel from vijayawada to mumbai.
ie why i am requesting you...
thank you

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