• हॉटलाइन
  • 8 years ago
  • 678 दर्शनों की संख्या

Hi I would like to know if there is any census of cows in west Bengal.

Reported on April 29, 2016 from Barasat , West Bengal  ι Report #102345


I would like to know if there is any census of cows in west Bengal. In our area , Rajarhat, we regularly see tens of trucks, carrying 80-100 cows each, travelling towards Bangladesh border. Each truck has three floors & cows are tied up in most cruel manner. Lot of cows are being stolen from cowsheds regularly. Police refuses to even file FIR.
At this rate no cows will be left in west Bengal in ten years. Please advise if filing an RTI can help in any way.

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