• हॉटलाइन
  • 10 years ago
  • 1246 दर्शनों की संख्या

I want to buy a second hand bike in chennai but my residence area is...

Reported on November 18, 2014 from Sitarganj , Uttarakhand  ι Report #46975

I want to buy a second hand bike in chennai but my residence area is uttarakhand.
so i want to transfer the bike on my name and want to ship this bike to uttarakhand.
and want to change the registeration no. also to the uttarakhand.

Q2. can i use my learner driving license of uttarakhand in chennai.
because i not able to go uttarakhand very soon or just to get a driving license.
Can i get a driving license here.
I works in a company here.

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