• हॉटलाइन
  • 14 years ago
  • 1758 दर्शनों की संख्या

What is the benefit to write our bribe experience , if no action will be taken.

Reported on January 4, 2011 from Bangalore , Karnataka  ι Report #33897

When you send us your bribe experience, you contribute to our database of bribe reports. Once these reports are collected, we anlyse them and present a well structured Janamahiti (information for the people) report, using which, we put forth our case to the government. Janamahithi report analyse the cases of bribery of a particular department and it makes recommendations form IPAB on how to make these departments bribe-free.These reports make our case even more stronger since they are first hand reports brought to us by the citizens themselves. We published our first Janamahiti on the bribe reports from the Transport Department of Bangalore. The Transport Commissioner, Mr Bhaskar Rao then invited us to make a presentation before 60 RTO officials. We provided them with an analysis of the citizen's reports as well as on how to make the system more transparent and bribe-free. 

We do not believe in targetting individuals, but in bringing about a systemic change in the processes. Our analysis reveals that more bribes are taken during the time of human interface. If the system is made more transparent, the human interface is automatically reduced, there by decreasing the chances of corruption. We know it is a long and painful process. However, change is possible if citizens contribute to this cause. The fact that we have around 340 cases of 'I didn't pay a bribe' and 135 cases of " i didn't have to pay a bribe on our website, confirms the fact that if citizens want, they can successfully combat corruption.

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