• मैंने रिश्वत दी
  • 11 years ago
  • 1534 दर्शनों की संख्या

Asked to pay Rs. 50 K for Adminission in Wadia college, Pune

Reported on June 16, 2013 from Pune , Maharashtra  ι Report #34691

When I went to Wadia college, an education institute, they asked to pay 50K and that too from other person's account whose surname should not match with my son. Smart and cheat guys.
This is first time I am paying a bribe in a school. I was not expecting that at such a place where people learn how to behave in the society. This is ridiculous and unfortunately cannot be avoided. Bad for me, country and future of India as my son knows that I had given bribe to get his admission. So he will try to get that money back from illegal sources when he grows and would not think that it is wrong practice.
I had to stay anonymous because if I complain they can harass my son in the school and they can go at any level as I have seen in news and serials on television.

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