• मैंने रिश्वत दी
  • 13 years ago
  • 527 दर्शनों की संख्या

Bribes for the Traffic Police in *******

Reported on December 5, 2011 from Kolkata , West Bengal  ι Report #3193

Almost all the sergeants would avoid to get you a spot fine. They would ask you to collect the license from the nearest Police Station or Lalbazaar and pay the fine there. These police stations ensure that you do not get your license back unless there is a sizable amount contributed to make their pockets heavier and happier.I have lost count of the number of times I have paid bribes to get my license back and that is the reason that I do not want to mention any particular date. If you go to the Police Station near park Circus Crossing, the tea stall in front of the Police station can get your license back if you are ready with the money. If you go to Beliaghata Police Station, you will have top pay Rs 200 instead of Rs. 100 and they will brazenly deny giving you a bill for the extra amount paid. They awkwardly tell you, if you dare to ask, that the bill will "come from the court"(?)! The media can launch a sting operation to uncover this huge black money racket in Kolkata alone. It would give the 2G scam a fair competition if you wnat to be fair. I am not exaggerrating. Just do the calculation if just ten people have been paying Rs. 100 extra everyday for the last ten years!

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