• मैंने रिश्वत दी
  • 13 years ago
  • 700 दर्शनों की संख्या

Bribing is in our blood

Reported on November 9, 2011 from Ghaziabad , Uttar Pradesh  ι Report #3533

My father jumped a red light because he genuinely did not see it turn red (he drives at max 50!) and was stopped by the police who was standing a few feet beyond the red light (he could have stood at the red light to prevent such incidents). The police immediately asked for the RC. My father told me later that we would need to travel all the way from Delhi (where we stay) to Ghaziabad to pay for the ticket/chalaan. So he offered to settle it right there by paying Rs100. The police were 'righteously' said that he doesnot accept bribes, instead he pointed at his 'assistant' who is willing to take the gift and settle the matter. 2 things i was to point out - 1)my dad DID violate a traffic rule and SHOULD have taken the chalaan but the added annoyance of driving to Ghz again to pay for it prevented him from taking up the inconvenience of being honest. 2) Traffic police could have given a warning but instead chose to threaten from the first go by asking for the RC 3) He keeps an assistant who takes the bribes and probably the 'beatings' in case they get caught...

What can be done...
1) It might be a rumor but i heard all traffic police get a quota of chalaans they need to give out every month- this puts an added pressure on him to hand out chalaans at unfair situations. It also provokes the violator to bribe with higher amounts and get out of the situation. There can be occasions when i genuinely make a mistake while driving and if i know my motive (or the lack of it) will be taken into account when negotiating my way then i will develop a more positive approach towards traffic rules and wardens. Otherwise, i will just develop a frustrating attitude where i will want to get out of everything with a bribe.
2) Make paying for chalaans easier at local post offices/ banks/ etc, instead of having to go to the RTO at the city/town where we get the chalaan. If my dad could have paid for the ticket at some place in S.delhi itself, then i could have pushed him into taking the ticket instead of paying the bribe, after all he DID break a red light.

Traffic wardens are a PAIN.

Thanks for listening!

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