• मैंने रिश्वत दी
  • 10 years ago
  • 2067 दर्शनों की संख्या

For my minor child's passport renewal . The asi called me the day…

Reported on November 5, 2014 from Gurgaon , Haryana  ι Report #46474

For my minor child's passport renewal . The asi called me the day before and asked me to be ready with bank statement, we checked the site and this is not even a required document. But just so to close this topic we asked for a certificate from the bank with our address on an urgent basis at considerable personal hassle. In addition we had valid proof including aadhar cards, passport of parents, gas bill, current lease agreement etc.He visited our place and started demanding all unneeded documents including previous year lease agreements etc. When I asked him to not create hassles he then asked me to make his life easy else he would not pass the file. I paid him 1000 rs. But his harassment continued, he called me two days later and said if in 45 mins I don't give him a lease agreement copy (that too of the year before not current year) he would cancel the verification. I simply ignored his warning as I had meanwhile checked the website of the ministry which says that police verification is not needed for a minor reissue when both parents have a valid passport!These people not only get a bribe but also harass.Asi: Hari kishanSector 40 GURGAON police station.Place where he took the bribe is my residence.

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