• मैंने रिश्वत दी
  • 13 years ago
  • 632 दर्शनों की संख्या

Seeking admission of chlld in reputed institution

Reported on October 17, 2011 from Kolkata , West Bengal  ι Report #3719

Since i am working in an educational institution, it is common thing that parents a willing to pay huge amounts in the name of donation as bribe to get their child admitted in a reputed institution,if we genuinely wants to eradicate corruption, we should start from the educational institute which we consider to be the house of knowledge, wisdom, character building, good citizen etc.The most corrupt are the Missionary & convent institutions, i am saying through experiences, in these institutions people are corrupted from head to foot. How can one expect a child to be a good & honest citizen when his roots are built in an institution built with corrupt money.So i hope we should find a way to stop corruption from here by letting people know about it and that it not the institution that makes a good citizen but the upbringing of the parents that makes a good human & citizen. And the blood that flow in a child made of corrupt money will never be an honest human & citizen.

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