
These modified postures are safe, beneficial for expecting moms (Nov 17 is World Prematurity Day)

Posted on November 18, 2017 from New Delhi, National ι Report #156292

This Prematurity Day, lets bring everyone's attention to how crucial the issue of premature birth is. Its been a leading cause of death in children below the age of five. Babies born too early are more prone to have long-term health issues.

One out of seven babies are said to be born pre-term. The main reason for premature labour could be hypertension, hormonal imbalance, maternal health problems and lifestyle factors.

The best way to balance your emotions and hormones and stay physically healthy is to practice pre-natal yoga. Practicing yoga during pregnancy is a great way to bring about those positive changes to your body. It allows circulation to the womb and avoids complications during labor. Staying active during this crucial time has tremendous benefits. Avoiding premature birth is one among them.

Prematurity poses serious health problems to the baby in the long run. Pre-natal yoga not only strengthens you physically but prepares you emotionally. It will prepare you for pregnancy by strengthening your abdominal, back and legs. Yoga can help you ease the whole process of labour by practicing moves that relax your abdominal and hip muscles. Just a few gentle motions and breathing techniques is all you need to practice for a healthy labor.

Researchers have found that more than 2,000 women were linked to lower risk of gestational diabetes, fewer C-sections and prematurity. Exercising during pregnancy is also said to have reversed stress-causing DNA reactions thus keeping symptoms like depression, stress or anxiety at bay.

The moves taught in prenatal yoga are safe but should be practiced with utmost care. Remember to focus on strength, avoid over stretching, wear comfortable clothing and remember to keep yourself hydrated.

Here are a few asanas you can practice under the supervision of an experienced trainer:

Baddha Konasana (Cobbler Pose)

*Begin by sitting erect, stretch your legs out and must be parallel to eah other.

*Bend knees inside so that the soles of the feet are together

* Move both the feet inwards so that they touching the groin region

* Try and rest your knee on the ground

* Inhale getting into the posture. Follow a balanced continuous breathing pattern. Stay in the pose for 1-5 minutes

Balasana (Extended Baby Pose)

* Start with a comfortable seated position. Inhale and raise arms above the head

* Exhale and bend your upper body forward

* Extend your arms and place your palms in front

* Touch your forehead to the mat

* Arms and head should lie in line with the trunk

* Pelvis should rest on the heels

* Inhale when raising arms and exhale when lowering the body

Prasarita Padasana (Raised Stretched-Out Foot Pose)

* Start off with your feet spread wide apart parallel to your shoulders

* Bend slightly at the knees and bend sideways

* While bending sideways, arch your hands sideways

* Repeat the same on the opposite side

Pranam Asana (The Prayer Pose)

* Stand erect with the feet held together

* Bring the two hands together and the palms touching each other at the chest level

* Look straight ahead

* Breathe in normally. This will give a sense of relaxation.

Akshar is Founder & Course Director, Akshar Yoga, Bengaluru. The views expressed are personal. He can be contacted at

