• Bribe Fighter
  • 5 years ago

Corrupt Goverment Officer - Multi Crore corruption - Ram Asrey Sahu - Uttar Pradesh and uttarakhand

Reported on June 9, 2020 from Dehradun , Uttarakhand  ι Report #222808

Dear Sir,

I like to inform about most corrupt officer who earned multi crore in his govt Job.

Below are the details -

Name - Ram Asrey Sahu
Mobile no - +91 97566 00755
Posting - Assistant Enginner in R.E.S. Department (Rural Engineering Services)
State Govt. - Utthrakhand and Uttar Pradesh
Pay Scale (Base Salary)- As per salary published on R.E.S - Range - Rs 15,000 - 18,000
Residential Address - B-84 , Basant Vihar Colony, Kalyanpur West, Behind Ram Dharam , Kanta Ring Road, Lucknow - 226022 , Uttar Pradesh

According to sources he have around 10-15 crores.
But as per salary in his designation he can not have more than 20-30 Lakhs.
Means he have 100 times more than he can earn.

This corrupt officer Ram Asrey Sahu is more corrupt than Yadav Singh who was Engineer-in-Chief of Noida Authority, Greater Noida Authority, 2013
(multi-crore case)

As far information I received -

- He spent aroung 1.0 Crore on their 3 Children Only for Higher Studies in Btech , Mtech and MBA from Private college.
- He spend around 50-80 Lakhs for their 2 Children Marriage
- Last children marrige will be in this Year . they are likely to spend around 50 Lakh - 1 crore.
- As per information , properties he have
- Residential 4 story house , around 3000 sq ft. in Basant Vihar Colony.
- One Other house they constructed recently.
- one apartment in Ansal Plaza , Saheed Path
- Other Unknown property
- He retired in 2015. This year(After 5 Years) he renovated the residential house with and Other Modern Hi-tech Facilities
Like jacuzzi, A.C. , Tv in every Room.
- In recent renovated Residentail house , spents around 20-25 Lakh.
- In their Residentail house they have multi room and halls.
- They have investment in Sahu financial , HazratGanz. Which is non trackable . PAN not required .
- He sponsored many marriage for their relatives.
- Sponsored Cancer treatment of thier relative.
- Recently SUV car bought worth 15 lakh. Earlier he bought 2 cars.
- He bought and donate the car to friends and Relative children marriage.
- If anyone in their relative required money they are giving freely multi lakhs Rupees to them and never ask to re-pay.
- His son is doing tour of world and around India on his Father money
- he has invested undisclosed black money in undisclosed institution and Properties.
- Also he is bribing to get the Provident Fund money. Please stop his Provident Fund , seal his property.

I am requesting to do investigation and take legal action against this most corrupt officer.
I am a honest citizen who is paying taxes and dont have Black Money and fighting to surive my Family.Working in Same Rural Engineering Services.

What is your reaction after reading this report?