- Bribe Fighter
- 5 years ago
Corrupt Goverment Officer - Multi Crore corruption - Ram Asrey Sahu - Uttar Pradesh and uttarakhand
Dear Sir,
I like to inform about most corrupt officer who earned multi Crores rupeesin his govt Job.
Below are the details –
Name - Ram Asrey Sahu
Mobile no - +91 97566 00755
Posting - Assistant Enginner in R.E.S. Department (Rural Engineering Services)
State Govt. - Utthrakhand and Uttar Pradesh
Pay Scale (Base Salary)- As per salary published on R.E.S - Range - Rs 15,000 - 18,000 per month.
Residential Address - B-84, Basant Vihar Colony, Kalyanpur West, Behind Ram Dharam ,Kanta Ring Road, Lucknow.
According to sources he has around 10-15 crores.
But as per salary in his designation he cannot earn more than 20-30 Lakhin his entire job duration.
Means he have 100 times more than he can earn.
This corrupt officer Ram AsreySahu is more corrupt than Yadav Singh who was Engineer-in-Chief of Noida Authority, Greater Noida Authority, 2013
(multi-crore case)
As far information I received his assets highlights–
- Residential multi story Vila with all Modern Hi-Tech Facilities like A.C.,jacuzzi, TV etc. in every room.
- Spends around Croresfor their Children Marriage
- Spent about Croreon their Children Only for Higher Studies.
- They have investment in many undisclosed financial services, which is non traceable.
- Generated the black money by taking the bribe in allocating the contract and misusing the fund allocated for construction.
- Sponsored many marriages for their relatives.
- Bought multiple luxury cars.
- Invested undisclosed black money in undisclosed institution and Properties.
- They have multiple properties in Lucknow.
I am requesting to do investigation and take legal action against this most corrupt officer.
I am a honest citizen who is paying taxes and don’t have Black Money and fighting to survive my Family. Working in Same Rural Engineering Services.