• Bribe Fighter
  • 5 years ago

Harrasment by police official to take a bribe from me

Reported on April 19, 2020 from Mumbai , Maharashtra  ι Report #221946

Yesterday my wife and me going to buy groceries during lockdown period in mumbai by our car. when we are returning our home two policeman stop us and ask why we are roaming around. we tell them that we are coming from a grocery shop and going to our home which is nearby. they asked us why we both are out. we gave him geniune reasons and show them our address proff and credit card paymnet advice also. they demanded money from us which we denied. then they took my driving licence and tell me to drop my wife at home and come to the police station. i reached police station within 15-20 minutes. there they started to harrasse me. every 30 minutes i was asking them that if there is a legal case or prodeeding against me as per law u pls proceed. but they countinous tell me that fir is in process against you and your wife. i was waiting for their response. i reached there nearly 6 pm. after wait till 8 pm one of the psi mr londe come to me outside his office and demanded me rs 10000 for leaving me and threaten me to give money instatntly otherwise he will arrest me on the spot and my wife from my home. after bearing all these i gone intrauma and start shouting in police staion why u guys are harrasing us when i can give all explanation about my outing with documentry proff. then a senior officer come , check my documents and release me. now i want to do complaint against 2 police officers who are involving to harrase me. what should i do

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