• Bribe Fighter
  • 13 years ago

LIC agent asking for money to release cheque of money back policy

Reported on June 23, 2011 from Mumbai , Maharashtra  ι Report #31776

I brought a money back policy in 1999 under SSS. The first money back was received in 2004 while I was at Narayangaon. Later I was transferred to Mumbai. In 2009 LIC did not intimate me nor would hand over the cheque of 40,000 to our Pune office staff. They were asking me to present myself with original documents at Pune. It was getting sicker by the day.
LIC agent in Mumbai told me get the same transferred to Mumbai SSS branch and she will do the rest. This was done after a lot of head banging in Jan/Feb 2011. Although the policy has been transferred to LIC SSS branch in Santacruz they are not sending me the cheque till date (22/6/11). Compare this with the LIC office of Chennai. My colleague TM Vasudevan received a cheque where the name was mentioned as "Vasudevan" so the bank refused to honor it. He wrote to Chennai office and in 1 hour they replied that the mail should be directed to ********** Salai office x. He did that. In the evening he was asked to provide proof of name "TM Vasudevan" in Chennai office. He wrote back that it was not possible for him to travel from Mumbai to Chennai so LIC agreed to take copies of ID, etc. He sent the documents and in about 10 days he had a fresh cheque with proper name.
LIC as such is not corrupt but the agent and DO nexus is very bad and perhaps nothing sort of mafia. The harassment meted out to me is clear - when I have resisted paying around 10000 for nearly 8 months I don't know when the cheque will be released. Any suggestion would be welcome. No wonder that a safaiwala at ST stand in 1991 had become MDRT in 2004 and today has his own DO office maintained by LIC. Who will pay the interest on the amount since 2009?
No doubt they have few lakh crores of "unclaimed" dues. Don't know how many widows or survivors must have been denied payment by *******

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