• Bribe Fighter
  • 11 years ago

Physical action is the only way to handle these corrupt officials

Reported on October 3, 2013 from Bangalore , Karnataka  ι Report #36595

I had been getting unusually high electricity bills for my usage since the last two months. My electricity bill, which used to range from Rs 500 to Rs 700 had shot up to Rs 2109 and Rs 1988 in the last two months.

Though I was too busy to carry out any action on this the first time, this time I decided to take the issue into my own hands. I asked the responsible official in the office to send someone to check / repair the meter. He shamelessly asked for Rs. 200 as "service charges". I, who was already furious, held him by his collar and was on the verge of hitting him (my civility being his savior). That was when I saw the fruit of my action. Two agents were immediately sent home for inspection and the meter was corrected - free of charge!

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