• Bribe Fighter
  • 12 years ago

Police take their "beats" seriously

Reported on November 28, 2012 from Mumbai , Maharashtra  ι Report #31127

There was an incident when my friend ******* an electrician on the way near Chembur Railway Station, near LIC office. He met his customer on the way. He was plying a scooter. The road was full of rush and footpath and encroached by hawkers. There is no place to move the vehicle which was on Diwali season. He stopped his vehicle on the side and his customer and asked him to come to his home for some electrical work. A ********** with his wife seated behind him started abusing in a vulgar language. When he politely asked why he is unnecessarily abusing and given side to him. He blocked his bike in front of him and started abusing. When Mr. ********** get down and and told his friend to wait near his scooter, to call policeman. The ********** alongwith his wife started beating his customer friend and also mob started attacking him. He also contacted over mobile to call his friend. A women who is selling flower also started beating innocent friend, with no retribution. He made a scene saying that he snatched his **********. The customer friend reached the nearest chowky. There also policemen beaten with blue and black. The ********** bribed police to beat the customer friend. The policemen took them to Chembur police station. There about about 10 policemen started beating with belt repeatedly in the whole body of the friend customer and also beaten over his head and blood started oozing out. Even then they don't stopped. They are planning to put him behind bar with false cases like robbery, ********** snatching etc. The shirt was full of blood and policemen and other convict removed the shirt. There are several hardcore convict say about 10 people in detection. Policeman directed one of them to wash the shirt not to identify the blood stain. After 3 hours, an Inspector named Mr.******** known to the victim asked why he is here. He explained the incident and he come to know the incidents. Everybody in the police station known that he is innocent. The victim was a known his image as a clean, non-corrupt, taking up various social issues, civic issues etc. and used to publish articles on newspaper. The ********** named ******** paid (as per ******* 's version) given more than Rs. 25,000/- to beat and falsely implicate the victim in any big case. The policemen took all mobile phone and other belongs including bags of the victim as he was way back to home after his work from his shop at 9.00 p.m. There was stiff resistance from other policemen. But the Inspector take the case to Sr. PI and explained to him after 2 hours argument, finally took a statement from both side as mild incident and set free. When the real accused become complaint and victim become accused in this case. Money made all magic. The victim did not paid any money thanks to Mr. ********, PI of Chembur Police Station. But the real accused paid a large sum to get out and falsely implicate the victim. At midnight at about 2 p.m. Mr.********** and his friend set free and accompanied by 2 policemen in a rickshaw in some distance and in a lonely area and set free. There are such incidents happening in Mumbai police and many powerless innocent languishing in jail without proper reason. Many a time, victim don't come in public due to his society and social stature to avoid embarrassment and avoid police, legal and bureaucratic hassles, In Maharashtra the governance is totally collapsed there is a police **********. the administrative machinery is totally run by mafias. Corrupt junior officials are overpowered than seniors due to high political influence and mafia connections. Just changing police commissioner, DGP don't make any difference. Drastic changes in zonal level and proper vigilance mechanism needed.

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