• Bribe Hotline
  • 14 years ago

My name is v.g. kutty.Iam residing at chaithanya greenford PhII Iam paying regularly property tax at gramin panchayath located at seagahalli p.o. 560067. Every year they increase property tax and it i

Reported on January 14, 2011 from Bangalore , Karnataka  ι Report #33870

Under the Karnataka Panchayat Raj Act, Property tax is to be increased once in 4 years. Moreover, the tax is fixed on the basis of the plinth area and the quality of construction of the property. Please file an RTI application to the GP asking to kwow the basis on which the tax is fixed. One advantage of being in a Gram Panchayat is that you are a member of the Gram Sabha and the Ward Sabha of that area, and you have the right to participate in Gram Sabha meetings and ask questions. Unfortunately, urban residents do not have such an arrangement. Please make use of these opportunities for public participation. Please attend these meetings regularly and take along your other neighbours. It is only when we use the opportunities that we have  to participate in democratic deliberation, that things will improve.

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