• Bribe Hotline
  • 8 years ago

My older sister and brother-in-law are Senior Citizens, who have

Reported on August 3, 2016 from Vrindavan , Uttar Pradesh  ι Report #114994

My older sister and brother-in-law are Senior Citizens, who have just lost their only Son in 2015. They are not financially secured, but have a small house to live in.
Their daughter-in-law who is now a widow, has never lived in this house while their Son was alive. as she was violent and abusive, he kept her away from his parents.
At was afraid for his life too, as his wife's family had threatened him to take over his parents property by force.
Now, that he is no more, the Daughter-in-Law is continuing with threats, went to court to get her share, and as the claim was still in court she decided to go to the Police Station to get access to the house immediately, couple of times she took the police to their house and declared to them 'I live her', well this is false, as I have been there every year since the time they were married in 2011- they never lived in this house. They rented a room far away from this house.
The response of the Police was even more shocking - They marched to my sisters house, asked them to arrive at the Police Station and then forced my sister to sign piece of paper saying to either buy the daughter-in-law the House in 10 days or Take her into the House, or else they get arrested, they were blunt to mention they can charge them with FALSE charges, as they have orders from 'ABOVE' to arrest them in 3 days.
These are Senior Citizens and have been harassed by Daughter-in-law and her family and now the Police has joined in. ( I do have names of these officers).
I am afraid for their lives at this point, Please let us know what is the best route we take at this point to protect the Seniors..we need to take this matter investigated by Higher Authority. Any advise is appreciated. Please email me directly and may email for more details. Thanks much.

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