• Bribe Hotline
  • 8 years ago

On 4.1.1984 Thiruvalla Municipality issued a birth certificate for

Reported on March 19, 2016 from Pathanamthitta , Kerala  ι Report #96374

On 4.1.1984 Thiruvalla Municipality issued a birth certificate for my son SHYLENDRA VARMA born on 26.5.1981. During that time we were ignorant about the importance of birth certificate. While schooling and afterwards we had given his name as above., whereas the name written in the certificate was SYLENDRAN . Now in his Aadhar card, Pan card and Passport the name is SHYLENDRA VARMA. Also note that my name is written as Revendran whereas the actual name is P.C.RAVINDRAN . I hereby request your goodself to do the needful to make corrections in the birth certificate as my sons name to be SHYLENDRA VARMA and my namwe as P.C.RAVINDRAN The registration number is 1246 and the date is 6.6.1981

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