Dump => array(3) {
  ["to_email"] => string(23) "girijasureban@gmail.com"
  ["subject"] => string(30) "Your report is getting noticed"
  ["email_content"] => string(2327) "

  eMailer | Thanks For report on I Paid A Bribe

Your report is getting noticed
Dear Girija G.s,
Your report Sir, we will start to conscrect our house we want temporary water is getting popular! It has now got 1000 views on I Paid A Bribe
I Paid A Bribe
" }
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Date: Sat, 28 Sep 2024 00:24:17 +0530
From: "I Paid A Bribe" <paidabribe@ipaidabribe.com>
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To: girijasureban@gmail.com
Subject: =?utf-8?Q?Your_report_is_getting_noticed?=
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Your report is getting noticed 



Dear Girija G.s,

Your report Sir, we will start to conscrect our house we want temporary
water is getting popular! It has now got 1000 views on I Paid A Bribe


I Paid A Bribe

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			<td>Dear Girija G.s,</td>
		</tr>	=09
			<td>Your report Sir, we will start to conscrect our house we want tempor=
ary water is getting popular! It has now got 1000 views on <strong>I Paid A=
			<table border=3D"0">
						<td style=3D"height:36px">http://ipaidabribe.com/reports/bribe-hotlin=
			<table border=3D"0" style=3D"width:268px">
						<td style=3D"height:36px">Team,<br />
I Paid A Bribe</td>
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