• Bribe Hotline
  • 9 years ago

Thanks for online service.i lost around rs25000 (clock,umbrella

Reported on August 20, 2015 from Panaji , Goa  ι Report #64863

Thanks for online service.i lost around rs25000 (clock,umbrella 2mobile,bag in forest area of punguium,ambedkar garden&kala academy forest area.i four time visted punguim head quarter¬ filed writen firas no proof of stolen materail.kindly provide details&eligibilty for files the fir.all time only forest contractor&their staff was there as tourist not avilable in that area.only locals&contractor local labour staff on duty.kindly provide general details for all my voter.friends as they are fear to enter the police station for any matters as they are illeterate aobut law&order&fears the police.pl provide ifor to email them for safety of all.


social worker&nature friend(Goa-India)

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