• Honest Officer
  • 12 years ago

To implement an arrest warrant for a legal case

Reported on March 12, 2012 from Bangalore , Karnataka  ι Report #32863

Dear Sir/Ma'am,

I would like to inform you that last day two policemen of Mohali police had made an ugly nonsense with me.

Firstly they had abused to me and my family. Then after that both of them were started to beat me brutally and abusing continuously . They had given many punches on my back ,shoulder and had made some punches on my face in front of the public. Everyone there were seen this show but nobody one came for help, perhaps it was the terror of police.

Now i am helpless and needs your support.I am feeling mentally not good as well as physically due to some internal injuries.

Concern:As per my daily routine,I was going to office on (11-mach-2012) near around 2:50 P.M , when I was all about reached to near PCL Chowk Mohali 3B2 then just before tha,TSwo of my company employee reached there and asked me for lift to go for office ,then i sat behind the bike ,now we were three persons on bike ********** was driving the Bike .when we reached just ahead to Shahi majra chowk, there was a turning point and bike slowed down by ********** as one more employee was just ahead of us who was on his bicycle.

When we just stopped the motor cycle suddenly .Two policemen were reached there at the same time which were on their Motor Cycle and came from behind.As ********** stopped the bike. Two policemen came front of the bike. Now firstly they remove his motor cycle key and then taken his Driving license & starts to said "your bike would be impounded".I was stood on one side .we were going to late on office already .Now ********** said to the cops that please let us go.then they replied that"you will have to fill a fine( CHALLAN) .********** once again requested that leave us ,but there intention was something different ,they want money from us. There demand was demanding 1500 INR and when ********** and his friend said that"We cannot afford this much amount please let us go",then cops asked to ********** company name and about salary ,********** told " i get 4000 INR in month.".Then both cops said that “you are three and each person will contibute 300 INR”.********** had not enough money ,then ********** came to me and said Sir"How much money you have?"I said only 100 INR .

Policemen denied to take it, then the cop who wore turban came to me and said why you are standing keep quiet? "Put out your wallet" When I denied to them ,then they looked at me with anger and again went to ********** and once again starts saying that "Your bike would be impounded and we will fine you CHALLAN .Now I was listening all this .Then I said to **********, "********** we will pay the challan & I said to Cops "You can fine a CHALLAN ..Now when i said these words then ,Both of them were started staring at me and said now we will surely make you fine. Then turban man had put out some papers and was looking at me angrily and after some time asked" who is the honour of bike?"********** named himself .then turban man face turned more anger ,because now they were sure about this”they would not get money from us just because of me”. and starts to ask me" where is your license?”. and give it to me.Meanwhile I was thought”why they are demanding for my License. Later I said “I dont have”. Then one cop who wore Turban come up to me and said now we will fine a CHALAAN When.I said,”,Yes, you can, then these words had made them out of their senses and they started to abuse I said to them stop using abusive language , ,but they did not stop and at the same time second one also starts to abuse me.

Firstly ,Turban man was come straight towards me and give me a biff. I was shocked and stunned when they started raised a hand on me abruptly,

and at the same time second police which was without turban also come to me and grabbed me ,now both started to beat me with their arms as well as legs and how many punches and legs were struck to me ,it was uncountable. I was shouted at them "what is my fault,?/"but they did not listen to me .and was using abusing and obscene words TO MY FAMILY,while they were beating me. I tried to push them back for self defence but they were like giants for me in uniform .Both of them had notched my hair ,the one policman who was without turban ,which was on my left side ,gave me a hit on my left side of head and minor blood was blown there and the second turban cop was hit me on the right side of face near to lips and minor blood was came from the inner side of mouth. When they saw blood ,then only they left. It was seemed to me that they were beating me like a criminal but i was not the culprit, ”then how dare they can do to beat me like. this?” After this both of them threatened me and said” we will call a Police VAN for you because "you(me)abused us and raised hand on us and our uniform. then we will take your remand remand..Then they called for a POLICE VAN at the same time & after some time Police van was there to arrest me, then i was already made a call to my Manager{********** **********) and then from my company some senior managers was reached there on the event place and talked to police to let me leave and fiinaly said to me"make a sorry from them"then i was thinking that.I did not do anything wrong,why i will make a sorry.One policeman dragged me towards the POLICE VAN & put me inside the van and said I will see you in the police station .Only then i admit "Sorry "just because of their threaten. But i was not able to understand that why competent staff was trying to burry the matter.I don't know "Why all of them were saying to me for make a sorry?’where I was Wrong?How can cops show me the threaten of their uniform?where are human rights?How they can be used their uniform for a wrong purpose?Is it Corruption?Have the government given them approvals to use Abusive language in front of all ?Can they easily use abuse language against your mother/Father? How they can beat any person in between the Road without any reason?”.

Reason to beat :When I said “ we will pay CHALLAN and wrap up the matter” then it made them Rave and out of their senses and they thought they did not get the bribe just because of me.

There Language: In their language there were so much vulgarity, obscene words . If they are beating me in front of all public, it means they had no fear of anyone whosoever. They were feeling very audacious while making abusing words and sarcastic statement for my FAMILY and threatened me even after thrashing me.

About Public:There were many people around me, All it was seeming that ‘Shooting of picture is going on & there I was playing a character of Villain.”but it was not Shooting of the Picture & I was not criminal.”But they were beating me like a Criminal with abusing words.

My View:Now after this incident that i personally feel and understand that really PunjabPolice can do anything ,anywhere and anytime with you, your husband/Wife/Sister/Brother/Any relative. .I felt alone there when Compromise was also against me and forced me to make a SORRY from them,mentally I was feeling not well.

IT GAVE ME A MENTALLY SHOCKThey had no fear of PUBLIC while using abusive language in front of all ,they wanted to show their OVERCONFIDECET that nobody can raise the voice against them and they can easily abuse anybody at anytime. They can easily use Vulgar ,abusive, Obscene language against your family..I think they were not policemen, They should have to be called as “BRIBER IN POLICE UNIFORM OR “CORRUPT MEN” Moreover “ BRIBER”

MY questions:
1.Have the government given policemen the right to Abuse anyone in public place without any fear.

2.Have government given them right to thrash anyone in front of all without any reason.

3.Where is my human rights ?If after beaten and mentally harass to me .At last they compelled & threatened me for the compromise ,If Iwill deny ,then they will punish me as on remand.

4.What action should I have to take because I do not have any background regarding the Police cases & I belong to a middle class family.

5. Why they were beating me like a criminal But i was not the culprit

6,How dare they can do to beat me., mentally harassed me and at the end of this heinous act they threatened me for the lockup?

7This incident GAVE ME A MENTALLY SHOCK.I got some internal injuries also ,the pain of that one I can bear but ‘DICTATORSHIP OF THE POLICE CAN NEVER BEAR”.

8. "Why all of them were saying to me for make a sorry?’where I was Wrong?

8.AT the end Matter was closed by policemen only when I made sorry to them, because everyone was saying wrap up the matter with say ‘SORRY”.I felt alone there when Compromise was also against me and forced me to make a SORRY from them.WHY?

It is my humble request that please help me out and give them punishment as per the government law and also I have strong belief in “Indian law & Act”,otherwise they can do the same with other one.

Kindly suggest me and i am waiting for your revert

Thanks & Regards,
********** Dadhwal
+ *******

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