• Honest Officer
  • 12 years ago

Lost & Found!

Reported on March 27, 2012 from Bangalore , Karnataka  ι Report #32858

In Sept 2011, I lost my 3-month old Samsung Galaxy Ace and filed a FIR with the Cubbon Park police. I was instructed to call Mr. **********, the System Admin who would be handling the case after a month or so. I must say how impressed I was with Mr. ********** - he would respond in English with utmost courtesy and end on a very positive note...to call and check after 30 days ....and so i did faithfully month after month though with no luck. Finally, on March 6th 2012 I got a call from Mr. ********** to say that my mobile phone had been traced to Rajasthan through the service provider and the thief had returned the phone on receiving a warning from the police! And that was that....I just had to collect my phone from Mr. **********. It was that simple...there was no bribe involved at any point and it was so nice to see the police doing their job efficiently and it reinstates my confidence in the much maligned police dept. A special thanks to Mr. **********...I am so thrilled to get my phone back!!!

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